General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018
These regulations govern the way organisations use personal data.
The following is the policy of Huddersfield French Circle in relation to GDPR.
Privacy notice
The personal information held by Huddersfield French Circle is limited to names and contact details and is used solely in order to contact individuals, who have given their permission for their details to be held on the database, to inform them and keep them up-to-date on meetings and events.
It is never passed on to anyone for any purpose whatsoever.
Anyone who no longer wishes their details to appear on the database should contact the Secretary, Pat Rodgers, pat.rodgers01@btinternet.comor 01484 651578 and their details will be removed from our records.
Privacy of speakers
Huddersfield French Circle will never pass on personal information about its speakers to any other organisations seeking speakers but, following any enquiry about speakers to HFC, will contact these speakers so that they may contact that organisation directly, should they so wish.
If any speaker informs us that they do not wish to be on our speakers’ contact list their name will be deleted.